Real-time Strategy Game Sharing

War-Selection based on my Experience

I have spent 472.5 hours on this game. Some guides might help you to get better in this game and enjoy this game better. — kinng

12 min readSep 22, 2020

We might have met in the game as of November or Kinng(old name). Yes, they are me.

This article will only share experiences, for really basic info about this game please have a look at Fandom-WIKI(as the WS dev group has a lot of minor changes released all the time, even the data there isn’t that accurate sometimes).

Also, I will do a game strategy sharing at the very bottom of this article. (new update)


  • European units are stronger but more expensive (2 to 3x) than Asian
  • People tend to finish games faster in fewer players game
  • More tech points if the large country size & kill more enemies
  • Get resources from the frontline, be aggressive
  • Never build a temple near water
  • Fishes > Berries
  • Woods > Stone
  • Ages upgrade: No need to wait till have the exact amount of resources
  • Frontline: infantry, build walls, focus less on up ages
  • Backline: horses, navy, focus more on up ages, send stronger troops

The arrangement of the topics will be in the “you might want to know” order.

Language Input

Let’s start on game settings, this game is really famous on the net right now, but the language system isn't that advanced yet.

If your language can be written in English Alphabets, then feel free to skip to the next part, otherwise, change your setting to the language you want to write during the game chat.

PRO: English + the selected language can be typed now

CON: Game display will be all translated…

Tech Points

First, it is possible to get 10k in less than 100 games, if you know how it is counted. I earned up-to 368 in a single game and have an average of 120+ each game.

3 elements: land captured, building destroyed and age reached

Land captured

The more land you conquered, the more points you get!

To see your territory, turned on the first button on the top of your mini-map. It will colorize the map with players’ colors. Or you can just hold alt key on your keyboard.

To get more land occupied, you need to build watchtowers, bulwarks, or guard towers. Basically, it is the tower you get when pressing , key. However, this function has a limited area before you get the research ‘spread influences’ done. Before the ‘spread influences’, you would need to get unlock the iron age for researching‘explore the area’ (#vision tower not one of them).

No worries about these researches if you want to rush, the options will remain at your elder house no matter which ages you got to.

Colourise button and research

Building Destroyed

Not your own building…

Destroying enemies' buildings even they died, the points will be counted too.

BTW, delete key on selected own building will help your trapped units escape.

Ages Reached

This age is where you end up when the game is finished. The points below are based on my experiences and steam forum because we don’t have any official announcement for this.

Stone age: <20

Bronze age: ~30

Iron age: ~40

Middle age: 60~90

Industrial Revolution: 90+

Build more towers, destroy more enemy building and try to get higher ages, you will earn really fast.

By the strategy above, I have bought 5 countries.

Tips on grow ages FASTER

Only hit the minimum requirements

This is what most beginners don't understand and they get stuck as more advanced players have already used another age's troops to kick them out of the game.

The reason to only hit minimum is upgrading consume lots of resources, especially European. An Asian worker only needs 10 food to upgrade to a bronze age worker; whilst, Europe needs 40 food… building and troops also the same thing.

To upgrade your age, you would need to meet:

  • All buildings have upgraded to the latest, including bulwarks but not other towers
  • The number of that age workers meet the requirement

PS. Workers of previous age will not be counted, need to upgrade first.

Thus holding a minimum amount of workers will lower down the cost and time to upgrade. ( Don't have to wait for the resources collecting)

#To check the number of workers requirement, simply click on the top bar showing your age status.

Worker Efficiency Upgrade & Better Econ Source

Keep in mind to upgrade your worker's ability from the warehouse to shorten the time of collection and increase the number of resources they can carry.

Always build WAREHOUSE closer to the woods will boost up the collecting time of raw materials.

In the sense of econ sources, wood is always the best source as workers will get a production boost than stone (European workers get 11 woods but produce 26 woods, Asian workers get wood faster). Same thing on fishes and berries. Thus, go on woods and fishes if possible.

Also, build warehouses closer to the resources.

Don't waste your scout

1 scout will be with you when the game started. Scout will not be attacked by animals, therefore, it is best used for map exploring.

Find the enemies’ bases is the first choice of most people, but I suggest exploring your surroundings first to see where should you build your temple and get rid of animals.

Don't build temple near water

If you know the pond or sea is covered by your allies, then it is okay. However, you won't know at most time, thus the best way to avoid enemy navy attacks is to build your base far from water. Usually is 5 temple away from the shoreline.

Keep in mind, European siege ship is a powerful long-range attack navy in the early middle age. # Just 6 siege ships with 3 attack rounds, your elder house will be crushed like an eggshell hit on a wall.

Get prepared for defending

Wall is unlocked after the Bronze age, it is always a good choice to limit down the path to get in your base. Building towers is also a good option, just it will consume more resources.

Also, always have barracks ready for making troops. You might get attacked all the time, so if they got stuck at your wall, it might be enough time for you to make a small troop until your allies come to rescue.

Always keep in mind:


Repairing is a bit faster, so assign your workers to repair the wall which enemies are trying to break. I bet they will skip you very soon.

ASIAN units require QUEUE time, which means that you cannot produce unit right after you built that barrack!!!

Getting Aggressive

Let's talk about attacking, preparing troops, and game modes. Oh yea, keep in mind that:


Knowing your troops

During the game, it is impossible to know all the unit statistics before you buy it. To check the status, go selecting a unit, and the mouse moves over the unit pictured on the main menu. Then, the properties will be shown.

unit properties

Troops of different ages

Different ages have their own representing units for killing.

Stone age

A large amount of warrior will be the best during this age. You can strengthen the units through stonecutter researches.

50 foods and 12 seconds for getting 1 warrior. In the game, people call it stone age rush or warrior rush which they will have around 30 warriors go and harass or even kick you out of the game in the very early game.

A tip here that remaining your fight pit even you got to the Bronze age, and you can research ‘get more room’ to expand your citizen limit to 90. Just spend all the rest slots for warrior.

However, there are fewer people will attack with stoneman rush in big games now, but they switched to maceman , a powerful and upgradable unit.

The only thing you need to be careful of is that are you fast enough? Your opponents might have built defenses.

Bronze age and Iron age

For Asia, usually, just attack with spearman or horses as there actually don't have that many choices. The only Pro for Asians is the cheap army, but there is a cooldown for every single unit created, so Asian players would need to prepare more barracks.

For Europe, most people go for legionary, a bug-like early phrase super unit. A spearman will only have a 5 damage (before research, after is 6) and 1 defends, but a legionary has 15 damage and 15 defend. # research sword at barrack after reached Iron age to get legionary.

To counter legionary, just train some axeman!

If you want to go West Europe for the Middle Age, you might consider building a troop of swordman which can be further upgraded to Landsknecht, a unit that comes with high defend points and attack points.

These two ages share the same requirements for worker numbers, but from Bronze to Iron, you would need to upgrade all of your buildings. Thus, people usually destroy unnecessary barracks.

Middle ages

Navy period if the sea is available. Land army goes for heavy weapons like a catapult (early) or canon (late).


Eastern Asia has an advantage of the earliest heavy unit accessibility. Rocket-canon unit is stronger on area attack and destroying buildings. Also, it is constructed directly by workers, thus, it is possible to build really close to your enemy base. The bad side is that the accuracy is SHIT. Nothing special about the Asian navy unit, still using bow and arrows.

Western Asia uses elephants and camels. There are options to further upgrade the animal units after creating them. They are way powerful after the second upgrade. Nothing special about the navy unit, still using bow and arrows as well.

Eastern Europe has lightknight which people usually will go on for a so-called light knight rush, LK rush. A group of 15~20 light knights will crush everything like a baby if the opponents have no defended units. Siege ships are researchable at the port and they are the king and queen in this period. A way to get your LK ready asap is to have the bronze/iron age horse unit ready and upgrade only one stable after you reached Middle age, and upgrade all horse units first.

Western Europe is more on defending because the representing unit is the trebuchet. Players need to research it at the forge before building. It can be used as a fixed point attack method if your enemies don't have the vision so that you can secretly build a lot of trebuchets near their base. Roughly 10 stones can kick them out. The bad side of it is that players cannot freely assign a target to shot, so only sending suicide squat to buy vision to assign trebuchets target once. Siege ships are available as well. If you have swordsman and want to upgrade them to Landsknecht, you need to upgrade the barrack twice to the royal barrack. Same here that don't need to upgrade all at once, just focus on getting one royal barrack and upgrade your swordman from there will save time and resources.



Canon period. Also, towers can be upgraded to vision towers from this age.

Eastern Asia has hand-canon, a slow but strong long-range unit at the shooting range. The bad side is that it cannot attack closed units, so even boars can kill it. Also, two more options available at the port, attack ships and turtle ships. They are relatively cheaper than the European navy units but both of them aren't that effective on attacking. However, players can send people on board and travel.

Western Asia and Europe in this period are having canon as the heavy weapons at the forge. Canons are slow and expensive, but I think it worth it. For the navy, Europe is stronger, canon on ships like the galleon is a long-range shore attack hot unit.

Industrial Revolution:

It really depends on the packages you have. If you haven't bought any countries yet, don't be upset, it is still possible to beat them.

Howitzer is the best defending and attacking unit which you get while building up a factory. However, it is still weak compared to Germany Big Bertha in terms of shooting range and power. Thus, you would need light tank as your sword to clear them up.

Artillery units have disadvantages of cannot attack while moving, have dead sight when enemies get closer to the units, and weaker armor. However, tank units will overcome all the disadvantages that artillery units have but tanks will require more unit slots.

Mortar is a good infantry unit for land but you would need to unlock it at arsenal. Mortar’s movement speed is slow and it cannot protect itself when enemies get closer, so you will need to have another unit like soldier or light tank to take cover.

Battleships are available too at the port. Use the range advantages to clear walls and towers. Remember it cannot attack air units. Always go with at least 5 of them, so you can wipe out all the stuff just with a few attack rounds.

Second Industrial Revolution:

Heavy tanks and more options available. Basically, all of the units are really powerful when you get there.

Just keep in mind, don't forget to get resources as sometimes players will be too focused on the frontline and forgot to check the resources.


Usually, there will be more resources available around the frontline, so it will be best to send workers to the frontline to build barracks and push the team line. Also, if you have vision fully researched, the map will become your thing.

The team controls the vision, the high chances for them to win.

Also, moving your barracks to the frontline will shorten the time your troops take to join the combat. The combination of University and warehouse will be the best to keep your country's econ working.

At the mid-game, most of the resources will be gone and the only way is to steal the frontline!


This is a game more on resources and economic strategy than just a chess-like strategy game.
1. Get more workers on collecting wood and iron.
2. Collect fishes if possible and send all workers to focus on the rest.
3. At least 6 barracks, will shorten the time to get yourself armed.
4. Always have meat > woods and iron.
5. Don’t wait till you have the full resources to upgrade or build things at once (gradually upgrade and build when you meet the lowest limit)
6. Keep your citizen slot full all time.

A large number of single-unit will bring up efficiency on either attacking or defending. Here is something you can take a look at:

  • unit: number of units to attack (timing [attack or defend])
  • warrior: 30 (stone age[attack])
  • spearman: 30 (early bronze[attack])
  • heavy spearman (Asia): 30 (early iron [attack])
  • archer: 20~30 (all [defend])
  • legionary: 20 (iron[attack])
  • axeman: 30 (iron [to kill legionary, swordman, and landsknecht])
  • light knight: 15 (early middle[attack])
  • Landsknecht: 30 (middle [both])
  • asian horse archer: 30~40 (middle [can attack while moving])
  • siege ship: 6 (middle [attack])
  • middle age Asian unit: spam (all [both])
  • handcanon: 15 (late middle [attack])
  • bombardian ship: 6~10 (late middle [attack])
  • artillery: 30~50 (IR [attack])
  • tank: as many as possible (IR[attack])
  • airplane or balloon: 10~20 (IR [to cover land units])

In a nutshell, enjoy the game is the only thing you need to do.

An epic game is you survived after a heavily attack and revenge. Enjoy yea~




Software developer based in Tokyo. Mainly code in TypeScript and PHP, but starting to build with Swift and Go.